Friday, October 30, 2009

Seeking sanity

Dear Jimmydo,

How do you inform someone that they’re not cut out for a job that they have without making them feel bad?

I have a hard time saying “no” to people and find that I am overwhelmed most of the time because of it. How can I become more assertive in my communication so that I save myself from insanity?

Desperately seeking sanity

Dear seeking sanity,

JimmyDo recommends that you find a posture that makes you look as comfortable as possible. Tell them this sentence verbatim: "JimmyDo says that you are not cut out for this job. I agree with JimmyDo. Oh by the way, do you want a tissue?" Then leave.

The confusion that will ensue will keep the anger from reaching you for a while. Because you were able to make someone else responsible, they will have no idea where to focus their rage. Who has ever heard of JimmyDo?!

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